I'll continue to try to update this as much as possible but as the title states I'm now dealing with the new adventures of being a mommy and boy is it taking up A TON of my time... (not that I'm complaining)
First off as all of you (or most of you) already know I had Idan :)
they induced me June 28th around 11:30 am and I delivered him same day at 8:15 pm...
The labor and delivery its self wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, which I was pretty lucky in that part :)
The labor and delivery its self wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, which I was pretty lucky in that part :)
Since then I've been pooped on, peed on, thrown up on, had an all nighter, and lost thirty pounds :)
and its cheezy... but I'm loving every minute of it!! I'm super bias but it helps to have a super cute baby like I do...
and its cheezy... but I'm loving every minute of it!! I'm super bias but it helps to have a super cute baby like I do...
He's been such a good baby... sadly though he's having some problems with gas :( I feel so bad for him. but he's getting over it :)
He's already grown right in front of my eyes!! he's also such a smarty pants and has a funny personality :)
He holds his own head up for the most part, he focuses on everything that he looks at now. and he has this funny thing he does that we call "Food Coma" after he eats he goes into this coma kind of thing where he just stares... and gets this funny look on his face..... I can't explain it... I'll just show you....
cute right?? hahaha
anyway... there isn't much more to write about... I'll try harder to keep this updated.. no promises though :P